Change your dog’s bad behaviour: the how to e-booklet
You love your dog; you really do, but there are times when their behaviour is really frustrating.
Barking, jumping, destroying, leaping all over the furniture, digging, chewing shoes, stealing socks; need I say more?
There’s so much advice on Facebook, from friends a the dog park, family and strangers. But they all say different things!
You’ve tried some of the things they said, but your dog doesn’t seem to get it. The bad behaviour continues (or becomes worse – eek!).
This is why I created the free e-booklet called “Change your dog’s bad behaviour”.
The e-booklet takes you through a step by step process that can help you develop a management and training plan that works for your dog.
Your dog is an individual, with his or her own unique blend of genetics, learning experiences, personality and way of interacting with their environment.
So how do you change your dog’s bad behaviour while taking into account his or her individual quirks?
The how is included in the e-booklet I have created called “Change your dog’s bad behaviour”
The e-booklet guides you through a step by step approach to help you manage your dog’s behaviour and train good behaviour.
Now for the best part – the e-booklet “Change your dog’s bad behaviour” is free. Yes free!
Want your copy?
To get your copy of the e-booklet just complete the form below and I’ll send you the link to the e-booklet. It’s as easy as that.
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